AUGUST Food Calendar!

Okay, I got off my duff yesterday and planned out my meals for August.

You can find the ingredients for part of the first week, you can go to THIS POST.
You can also find all recipes I've shared, or meal information HERE.

Right Click to save to computer or just click on the image so you can see ALL the days. The format of my blog won't allow it to be big enough to read!

I edited my Friday meal because my Father-In-Law is going to be here, so Chris won't be taking me out to eat for a date night. Oh well!

FRIDAY - Filet Minon
Beef Tenderloin (Filet)
Dry Italian Dressing Mix 
(you can just use premade, but I like the homemade flavoring!)

- Wrap bacon around the Beef and use toothpicks to hold in place.
- Mix Italian dressing as directed and pour over beef to marinade.
- After about 2 hrs., Place meat in cooking pan and bake at 350 for about 25-35 minutes. - until bacon looks done.
(whatever size it fits in. If it is just for Chris and I, I use an 8x8" pan, but if it is for a crew, I use the 13x9" pan)

SATURDAY - Hard Shell Tacos
- Hamburger
- Taco Mix
- Lettuce
- Tomato
- Shells
Small Tortillas (the kids and I don't like the hard shells! I only make this because it is one of Chris's favorites!)
- Pico

SUNDAY - Hamburgers

Stay tuned. Sunday I will post my Second Week of August Meal information...

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