Nothing 2 Exciting

My mom came down to visit last Thursday, and immediately caught a cold that had been stalking her! So now I am sick... WooHoo for me! So I am not doing a whole lot. I made a couple of birthday cards that I will need to send out in February, but other than that... I've watched a lot of Disney!

And since my life is SO boring, I thought I would share one of the exciting activities Hunter completed while I was vegging...
I also have a really cute picture to share of the little angel with horns! He was wearing his church get up and I wanted a picture, so he decided to pose and folded his arms like he does for prayer... Very cute!

1 comment:

Supercool Hotmama said...

What a cutie! Love his row of blocks! Post pics of those cards you made! Please :)

And thanks for your comment. I'm glad to know I was mistaken on the second-hand kids clothes! That would really stink.