So Much to Blog, So Little Time!

Just before Hunter and I went to Colorado in June, we had a pretty bad storm hit at the house AND at the farm. Gratefully, we didn't get any hail at the house, but unfortunately, we did get some golf ball sized hail at the Adobe Walls fields. We lost the #3 and #4 fields. This is a picture of some VERY sad corn that had to be disked out of the field because it was completely lost and Chris had to replant both fields :(

After we got home from Colorado, Grandpa Larry mowed the lawn and then we watered a bunch. The next morning I went outside to check on the puppies and Sage to make sure they had food and water, and this is what I found in the grass:
I went into the house to get my camera and by the time I got back outside, the turtle had made his way all the way to our back fence... granted, it took me over 5 minutes to get back outside!
For the 4th, Chris, Hunter, Travis Schwindt, Grandpa Larry, and Rachel all went out to Adobe Walls to set of fireworks. We decided that was a pretty good place to set off the fireworks since Chris & Travis had just worked the ground to start the #3 & #4 over again. Here are some pictures of the fireworks we set off.
An airial KABOOM!

A fountain that cost a whole $0.75. It lasted better than the bigger one that I paid $1 for! Typical!

Hunter and Chris riding the four wheeler to pass the time before it was dark enough to light the big fireworks. Hunter looks too cool for school! He really likes to go ride with his dad and even keeps his sunglasses on the whole time they are riding. The moment they step off the four wheeler is a another thing. Those glasses get pulled off his face so fast and hit the ground with him running to find his next adventure!

Hunter wasn't too impressed with all the great big fireworks we set off. Mainly because it was after 9:30 p.m. and he just wanted to go home to his bed! He did enjoy the smoke bombs we set off. Or at least he paid attention to the little balls when the smoke started to pour out of them.

Hope all of your time with explosives was as fun as ours!

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