Complete Darkages

On Tuesday...
I lost my phone
Talk about making me feel disconnected from the universe
Hunter colored his toes black with a permanent marker...
I wanted to text the picture to my mom...
but I was without a phone
I wanted to call people,
but their digits were stuck in the brain of the lost little one
I tried to call my phone...
but it would not answer...
I searched and searched,
but to no end...
I lost my phone.
Okay, a little dramatic, but honestly... I lost my phone. It was so pretty, and full of knowledge, and always gave me a helping hand (by the person on the other end answering my questions.) So, I went to the grocery store to see if they had found a phone, but no. I went to the post office to see if they had found a phone, but no. I went to the farm and looked for it and called it, but no. I went to the gas station to see if THEY had found it, but NO.

So then I called Asurion (cell phone insurance), and told them of my feeling of being disconnected. They said they would overnight me a new phone but it wouldn't arrive until Thursday. (didn't make since to me since it was Tuesday when I called, it would be OVERNIGHTED, and wouldn't arrive until Thursday...)

AND BEHOLD, on Thursday, at around 11:30 a.m., the DHL yellow man arrived with a sacred brown box with my new phone. I immediately ripped open the ugly box, to behold another, smaller box. This box had a picture of my phone on it. Oh how beautiful! I called Verizon, got the phone all set up, plugged it in so it could charge for the recommended time, and left it to go out to the farm!

And now that I am mobile again, everything is right with the universe!!

1 comment:

sandi said...

It is crazy how we become so use to having the conveniences that we have in life and if we lose one of them we go crazy!! What did we ever do before cell phones??